
Read and interpret the mind using data
to deliver vitality through beauty

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Why did you join Shiseido Interactive Beauty?

To give vitality to people’s minds
on a large scale

"Bringing vitality to people's hearts." If I look back, that has been my goal for a long time.
It was the same when I started learning dance at the age of four. So as I worked my part-time job at a cram school or a café during my student life, I wanted to make a bigger contribution when I went out into society, I chose to join a cosmetics manufacturer.

I was not so dedicated to cosmetics in the past. However, I had many experiences of switching my "mode" due to different make-ups when dancing. I was also able to experience how beauty creates confidence and that leads vitality in people.

As I continued researching companies, I realized how attractive Shiseido was. There were a number of digital-based challenges, and there was a commitment to making further investments. Employees were also excited to talk about their future. Shiseido had everything I would like for my future work. I was really happy that I was able to join the company.

Current job

Sensitivity Data to Get into
People’s Heart

Centering around “Watashi Plus,” one of our main media outlets, we are engaged in CRM design and data management. We established a mechanism for the verification, analysis, reporting and improvement of the data. For example, we have focused on sales drops via SEOs. We analyzed that the impact of listing advertising that was too strong and implemented adjustments to the volume of placements related to specific keywords together with the advertising staff, which led to cost reductions. I also found time to deliver seminars on analytical tools so that “Watashi Plus” staff could conduct the verifications themselves.

Another initiative is the “Sensitivity Tag.” Until now, Shiseido has tagged “brand” and “skin worry” based on the customer’s site browsing history, and used them as the reference source for recommendations. Adding “I want to relax” and “I want to feel gorgeous” to the tags, customers can now receive proposals that are more insightful for them than ever before. While we are still in the midst of finetuning our work, I love the great challenges I’m working on.

Gaps that I felt when I joined the company

More free than I’d imagined

I was thinking of it as a more sophisticated company, but it was unexpectedly free. When I joined the company, in the first year I learned that there was no customer journey map about the company website, and said, “I would like to build one.” Then, my senior said, “Why don’t you try making it?”
I was surprised that such a thing was OK. Also, my department is keen on sharing information with other companies. In creating the Customer Journey Map, I used the same tools as other companies and we have made it a great point of reference. This kind of open environment is very encouraging.

Relationships within the company

Imagine your current job and
10 years from now

It is very open. I have a 1-on-1 with my manager every two months, and there are occasions for us to talk about mid-to-long-term career development plans. I can easily consult with my immediate senior colleagues about my work, and I sometimes enjoy climbing the mountain together with people from different departments.

Dear Job Seekers

Job-hunting as an opportunity
to face yourself

What do you want to accomplish with your life? What kind of work do you want to do?
I see job hunting as an opportunity to face myself. You may find yourself wanting to go to the company that everyone is aiming for, or you may find yourself wanting to collect a lot of job offers.
But getting a job isn’t a goal, it’s just a part of your life. Find the place where you can shine best.


Vitality to People with Assertiveness

My thoughts remain unchanged from joining the company until this moment. However, when I joined Shiseido, I became more specific about “bringing vitality to people through beauty.” In addition to the beauty created by cosmetics, it would be great if I can combine coaching, yoga, healthy meals, and other means to bring in inner beauty for all. First of all, however, I would like to move a step by step to make my dream possible.